AJA is omnipresent: Members express human feelings through verses


BAHRAIN: Two members of the Asia Journalists Association (AJA) were among 22 poets whose work was published in The Sounds of Spring.

The Sounds of Spring is a poetic anthology published by the Silk Road Literature Series 2021.

Ashraf Aboul-Yazid, AJA President and a well-established literary figure, shared his “Thirteen Love Letters For Her” while Pooneh Nedai, AJA Vice President and editor-in-chief of Shukran, a literary magazine published in Iran, expressed her emotions through her poem “Home”.


AJA is a well-knit association of journalists across Asia and many of its members have enriched the media and literary landscapes by publishing massive numbers of articles, reports, analyses, features and biographies, composing poems, lyrics and music, authoring books, issuing magazines and broadcasting radio and television programs.

AJA members have also been actively participating in regional and international conferences, forums and conferences, bringing with them a wealth of ideas, views and experiences.

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