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Ex-President Kim Young-sam’s funeral takes place

Ex-President Kim Young-sam’s funeral takes place

The funeral for former President Kim Young-sam began at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul at 2 p.m. today. Over 10,000 mourners attended including Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn, the head of the funeral committee, government officials, business representatives and foreign ambassadors and envoys. President Park Geun-hye partially attended the ceremony, paying her last respects at […]

Two Koreas hold working-level dialogue this afternoon

Two Koreas hold working-level dialogue this afternoon

North and South Korea kicked off a working-level meeting on Thursday afternoon to decide details of a high-level talks that the two countries agreed in August to hold as soon as possible, Yonhap news agency reported Thursday. The preparatory meeting took place on the North’s side of the truce village of Panmunjeom at 12:50 p.m. […]

India’s sex workers seek decriminalization of prostitution

India’s sex workers seek decriminalization of prostitution

  Soliciting, running a brothel and pimping is illegal in India but the law is vague on prostitution itself. Sex workers are hoping the Supreme Court’s ruling will force the government to decriminalize the industry, as they say they are tired of being randomly targeted by police. According to the latest figures by the government, […]

[The AsiaN Video for Indian] प्रसिद्ध पाकिस्तानी पत्रकार का वृत्तचित्र ओस्कार के लिए नामांकित

[The AsiaN Video for Indian] प्रसिद्ध पाकिस्तानी पत्रकार का वृत्तचित्र ओस्कार के लिए नामांकित

  प्रसिद्ध पाकिस्तानी पत्रकार एवम वृत्तचित्र बनाने वाले शर्मिं ओबैद चिनॉय को ओस्कार के लिए नामित किया गया हैं उनकी वृत्तचित्र ‘सविंग गरचे’ के लिए | यह कहानी है उस क्रूर प्रथा की जिसमें आदमी पाकिस्तानी महिलायों पर एसिड दाल कर दुर्र व्यवहार करते हैं | आधिक जानकारी के लिए आप हमारी वेब साईट www.theasian.asia […]

[The AsiaN Video] Pakistani Journalist’s documentary nominated for Oscar

[The AsiaN Video] Pakistani Journalist’s documentary nominated for Oscar

Renowned Pakistani journalist and documentary maker Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, has been nominated for Oscar for her film ‘Saving Grace’. Saving Grace details the cruel practice of men attacking the women in Pakistan with acid. In the movie there are 2 women who become the victim of acid violence. For more information check out our website […]

[The AsiaN Video for Chinese] 印度国庆节

[The AsiaN Video for Chinese] 印度国庆节

大家好,我是杨星明,现在是亚洲记者协会的实习记者。今天印度开始庆祝第63个国庆节,有阅兵式以及穿着传统服饰的歌手和演员的­表演。今年的游行将强调国家在各个领域的成就以及武装力量。在阅兵式开始前总理还给烈士献了花,并且印度和泰国的总理还进行了会­议,会议过后还签署了六个协议,并且都同意提高他们的战略伙伴关系,并且两国会在科技和文化交流领域展开更多的合作。我们的亚洲­记者协会有还有一位印度的实习记者,通过对他的采访,我知道和中国一样,他们的阅兵式也会有国家电视台播出,并且会有一天的全国­休假,最近呢是印度的国庆节也是中国的新年,印度的新年叫diwali.会有三天的官方休假。也很新年的气氛。国庆节正是每个民­族士气高昂之时,整个国家也会很有爱国气氛。那么关注更多的这方面信息,请关注我们网站,我们的网址是www.theasian­.asia, 谢谢

[The AsiaN Video] India’s Republic Day

[The AsiaN Video] India’s Republic Day

India today celebrates it’s 63 rd Republic day . The parade in Delhi once again displayed to the world India’s rising military , naval and aerial defence prowess. The highlight of this year’s parade was the 3000 km range Agni 4 missile and the newly acquired C-130-J Super Hercules tactical aircraft from United States. The […]

[The AsiaN Video for Chinese] 新年

[The AsiaN Video for Chinese] 新年

大家好,我叫杨星明,现在是亚洲记者协会的实习记者。 今天是农历大年初三,在这里祝大家新春吉祥。新年期间在韩国的留学生都过了­怎么样的春节呢?我呢在这个除夕夜去了仁川的中国城,好好享受了一下中式建筑和中式美食。我的印度朋友呢,也和他的同学们一起庆­祝了中国的春节,所谓每逢佳节倍思亲啊,大家其实心中都有对中国对故乡对父母无尽的思念。 也有很多中国的留学生聚在一起观看了春­节联欢晚会,我最喜欢的节目是杨丽萍老师的雀之灵,在给印度和韩国同事观看之后大家都赞不绝口,不仅仅是杨丽萍老师精湛的舞艺,­到位的动作,还有精致的舞台布置,现场营造的氛围,都让人如入仙境。韩国人的春节呢主要是吃像年糕的一样的食物,象征着长寿。 我­们的网站上还登出了各国学生的春节庆祝活动一起春节期间的大事。查看更多新闻请大家关注我们的网站www.theasian.a­sia谢谢

[The AsiaN Video] Women Political Leaders in Asia

[The AsiaN Video] Women Political Leaders in Asia

Women political leaders are writing a new history in korea as they have become chairpersons of all major political parties of India. Similar changes can be found in Asia elsewhere. Even middle east known as a region for restricting women’s right saw Women leaders come up in public appearances. AsiaN has compiled a list of […]

[The AsiaN Video for Chinese] AsiaN的新年寄语

[The AsiaN Video for Chinese] AsiaN的新年寄语


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