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The Globalisation of Fear

The Globalisation of Fear

Illustration from imperialglobalexeter By Ashraf Aboul-Yazid (Ashraf Dali) Asia Journalist Association President CAIRO: The Globalisation of Fear has been the perfect business to trade in our world; name it the fear of pandemics, the fear of wars, the fear of authoritative regimes, the fear of hunger, the fear of censorship, along with many other types […]

Globalisation, Nationalism and the Future

Globalisation, Nationalism and the Future

The Trump era is raising many questions worldwide. It is also becoming increasingly evident that people are looking more within that without their own nation—claiming the need to return to a so-called “nationalism”. Based on this trend, a “clash of civilizations” seems imminent. Few continue to be interested in the notions of a global citizen […]

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