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Nothing accomplished but to have elected a new president

Nothing accomplished but to have elected a new president

The title is “The governments’ accomplishments” and it shows a parrot saying the exact same thing which is the only accomplishent that was ever done through the past months which is “we have a new elected president” over and over again.

Mr. President, please stop giving people any order

Mr. President, please stop giving people any order

When he tries to ban,  he fails. The banner the man is holding says “The people want more banning”. In reference to the current events in Egypt where president Morsi tries to ban people from going out in certain cities, and people defy his orders.

Morsi makes fire of revolution bigger

Morsi makes fire of revolution bigger

The title is “The revolution is still on” and it shows president Morsi tries to put the fire of revolution off only to make it bigger “the word revolution is written with fire”

This kind of dialogue carries no weight

This kind of dialogue carries no weight

The title is “National Dialogue” in reference to the not so good efforts one by the president to meet a so-called opposition and the ones who agree to meet up with are no opposition at all, acting like children as shown in the picture.

They are ready to throw Islam principle for election victory

They are ready to throw Islam principle for election victory

Radical Muslims used to raise the slogan of “Islam is the Solution”, but after arranging to fake the voting process they have another voting of “Forgery is the Solution”.

“Keep well the fake vote boxes for next use”

“Keep well the fake vote boxes for next use”

President Morsi, after the fake voting of the referendum, is asking his Muslim Brotherhood member to keep the full boxes with their votes for the next elections.

Only way to take responsibility for the train accidents

Only way to take responsibility for the train accidents

on the train accidents of Egypt

Call for Jewish to return to Egypt was answered by call for revolution to return to Egypt

Call for Jewish to return to Egypt was answered by call for revolution to return to Egypt

Mr. Al-Erian (which means naked in Arabic), is a member of Muslim Brotherhood. He called the Jewish to come back to Egypt to show that Muslim Brotherhood political party is not in war with Israel. His call raised many sarcastic comments, as Muslim Brotherhood are in contradiction with Christians who live in Egypt! The sign […]

New tax, more suffering, inflation, citizen has only to ask what comes next?

New tax, more suffering, inflation, citizen has only to ask what comes next?

New tax, more suffering, the government is flooding the Egyptian currency, and citizen is asking what could the Egyptian government leave for him.

Preparation is simple for demonstrations

Preparation is simple for demonstrations


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