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Dignity of first family

Despite new probe, many questions remain unanswered After a month-long investigation, special prosecutor Lee Kwang-bum announced Wednesday that his team will refer President Lee Myung-bak’s only son, Si-hyung, to the tax authorities for possible imposition of gift tax over a controversial project to build Lee’s retirement home. The junior Lee, however, was cleared of suspicion […]

Chinese to get tourist visa faster

The Korean government plans to ease the process of issuing visas to Chinese tourists, making it a quicker more convenient procedure. The Presidential Council on National Competitiveness said Wednesday that the Korean government will expand online visa-issuance for Chinese medical tourists and expand no-visa entries for Chinese visitors. It expects the faster and more convenient […]

FM optimistic about 6-way talks revival

FM optimistic about 6-way talks revival

Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan said Wednesday that countries involved in the stalled six-party negotiations over denuclearization in North Korea will likely seek to revive the talks during the current period of political transition. The forum has not convened since 2008 due to political and military tensions. But recent or upcoming changes within the nations involved […]

NK missile parts seized in Busan en route to Syria

North Korea tried to send missile components to Syria on a Chinese ship but the shipment was confiscated in the South Korean port of Busan earlier this year, according to reports Wednesday. The move would not only violate U.N. sanctions but also underscore concerns over the North’s proliferation activities and Beijing’s refusal to clamp down […]

Unique election system is product of history

Unique election system is product of history

With just five free presidential elections under its belt, Korea is still a young democracy. The struggles experienced over free speech and citizen empowerment during the past decades as the nation detached itself from dictatorship have shaped a unique set of election laws and a system that is dependable but perhaps somewhat overcompensating. Korea is […]

Ahn calls off talks on single candidacy

Ahn calls off talks on single candidacy

Moon says misunderstanding can be resolved The campaign team of independent presidential hopeful Ahn Cheol-soo called off negotiations over merging candidacies with Democratic United Party (DUP) contender Moon Jae-in Wednesday, accusing the opposition party of spreading false rumors to gain advantage in the competition. The two candidates have been in talks to form a unified […]

Retail war deepens

Lotte plans to build giant outlet in Busan The country’s two largest retail giants will face off again in Busan. Lotte, the biggest retail chain, and its major rival Shinsegae have engaged in fierce competition for years to gain the biggest slice in industries such as department stores, discount stores and outlet malls in Seoul […]

Samsung plans not to sell Google TV in Korea

Samsung Electronics said Wednesday that it has no plans to sell sets supporting Google’s Web TV service in Korea. The move came as the TV service has received a lukewarm response in key markets such as Europe. “We got less attention for our Google TVs in Europe. Samsung doesn’t have any plans to release them […]


<The AsiaN Video for Chinese> 奥巴马-勿忘“苏丹﹒哈桑”清真寺

大家好我是王璇,今天的亚洲新闻又同您见面了。 今天要为您介绍一则来自埃及记者对奥巴马当选的评论。评论指出,2009年夏天受到众多埃及人崇拜的美国总统奥巴马,在其访问开罗大学的途中拜访了苏丹哈桑清真寺。在那里,他面向整个穆斯林世界发表了极为重要的讲话。对于许多人来说,奥巴马最初被认为是唯一的一个可以为阿拉伯人和穆斯林世界争取机会的西方领导人。 奥巴马家庭背景复杂,他有一个来自非洲血统的祖父,一个具有着浓厚穆斯林文化背景的家庭。因此他被看作成能够解决不同种族、少数民族、弱势群体、贫困阶级等等社会问题的唯一希望。 但是不久梦想破碎,人们没有看到和平进程,只有接连不断的战火,以及对权力的狂热。在奥巴马的牵引下,美国成为了仇恨和世界权利的中心。 不论是奥巴马还是罗布尼,他们在竞选的过程中迫不及待地宣布了对以色列所提出要求的支持,这就意味着,拒绝了1948年以来巴勒斯坦人们寻求以和平方式解决中东问题的期待。 现在,奥巴马再度入主白宫,但是却留给世界战火和不公。如果说四年以前,人们寄希望于一名黑人总统的当下可以改变世界,那么现在世界更加需要用下一个四年来实现中东更美好的未来。 今天的播报就到这里,当然还欢迎您点击我们的网站,浏览我们为您准备的其他内容。 我们的网站是 http://cn.theasian.asia/archives/11336 谢谢您的收看,我们下次再见

Libya’s National Assembly Ratifies A Law Governing Organization Of Protest

Libya’s National Assembly Ratifies A Law Governing Organization Of Protest

Libyan National Congress spokesman Omar Hmaidan holds a press conference, after Libya’s national assembly announced the ratification of a law governing the organization of protests that could lead to jail sentences, in Tripoli, Libya, Nov. 13, 2012. <Xinhua/Hamza Turkia>

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