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War: Industry of poverty and hunger out of nothing!! – Part II

War: Industry of poverty and hunger out of nothing!! – Part II

By Dr. Hassan Humeida KIEL, GERMANY: In war, the warrior “who used to be a human” is transformed into another being who is no longer knows himself. He becomes as a creature that protrudes above the animal in his aggression towards other people in front of him because the warrior sees all people standing before […]

S. Korea: gov’t to set 5-year plan on animal welfare

S. Korea: gov’t to set 5-year plan on animal welfare

South Korea’s agriculture ministry said Wednesday it is drawing up a five-year plan on improving the welfare of animals in the country, which will focus on adopting tougher regulations against animal cruelty and providing them with a better living environment. Under the 2020-2024 plan which is anticipated to be announced in December, the South Korean […]

Indonesia uses camera traps to make records of endangered animals

Indonesia uses camera traps to make records of endangered animals

An endangered Malayan tapir and its young have been documented by camera traps in Batang Gadis National Park (BGNP), North Sumatra. In Indonesia, the tapir can only be found in North Sumatra and are very rarely seen. In total, the study recorded and identified an impressive 29 species in the national park. Cameras were placed […]

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