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Nepal Embassy organizes investment seminar in Seoul, Korea

Nepal Embassy organizes investment seminar in Seoul, Korea

By Seok-Jae Kang Vice President, Asia Journalists Association SEOUL: The Embassy of Nepal in Seoul, Korea hosted an investment seminar for Korean investors at the Korea Press Center in downtown Seoul on July 3, 2024. Under the title “Nepal: A Potential Destination for Investment,” the seminar attracted journalists and Korean business people. The purpose of the […]

Jordan helping refugees from 57 countries, hosting second highest number in the world

Jordan helping refugees from 57 countries, hosting second highest number in the world

By Makram Ahmed Al Tarawneh Editor-in-Chief, Al Ghad (Jordan) AMMAN: When the crisis broke out in Syria in 2011, hundreds of thousands of Syrians sought refuge in the Kingdom of Jordan. At that time, the international community announced that it would not leave Jordan alone in bearing the burdens of this gigantic movement to seek […]

The Two Faces of the Taliban: Two countries still far away, Korea and Afghanistan

The Two Faces of the Taliban: Two countries still far away, Korea and Afghanistan

The Taliban, an Islamic extremist armed group, has ruled Afghanistan twice (1996-2001 and 2021-present). The Taliban’s first term in power in Afghanistan was marred by tyranny that suppressed all freedoms. The Taliban, who are entering their second term in power in 2021, say they are different from before, but the West’s gaze towards them is […]

Sudokwon Landfill: The art of putting food scarps to good use

Sudokwon Landfill: The art of putting food scarps to good use

By Habib Toumi INCHEON: Standing on the upper part of Landfill One and its 64 million tons of waste buried underneath, Public Relations Specialist Hong Seung-hee, impeccably dressed and hair blowing in the slight breeze, pointed to a garbage truck, the last of the 350 that empty their load of the 5,500 tons of domestic waste, […]

The ABCs of Sustainable Development Goals and Sudan’s situation XVIII

The ABCs of Sustainable Development Goals and Sudan’s situation XVIII

Goal 17: Partnership for the Goals – Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development. By Dr. Hassan Humeida KIEL, GERMANY: The seventeenth and final goal of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals aims to establish partnerships between countries to achieve the total sustainable development goals of the United Nations by 2030. […]

The ABCs of Sustainable Development Goals and Sudan’s situation XVII

The ABCs of Sustainable Development Goals and Sudan’s situation XVII

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions By Dr. Hassan Humeida KIEL, GERMANY: The sixteenth goal of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, aims to achieve peace, justice and strong institutions on a global scale. This goal is based on accomplishing justice by achieving peaceful and inclusive societies and building […]

The ABCs of Sustainable Development Goals and Sudan’s situation XVI

The ABCs of Sustainable Development Goals and Sudan’s situation XVI

Goal 15: Life on Land By Dr. Hassan Humeida KIEL, GERMANY: The fifteenth goal of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is about “Life on Land”. It aims to preserve the land and its wealth and natural resources of all kinds, based on consciously rationalizing their use to achieve the set sustainable development through the United […]

The ABCs of Sustainable Development Goals and Sudan’s situation XV

The ABCs of Sustainable Development Goals and Sudan’s situation XV

Goal 14: Life below water By Dr. Hassan Humeida KIEL, GERMANY: The fourteenth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals is about life under water, and aims to preserve the oceans, seas, marine resources and other bodies of water and rationalize their use in a conscious manner to achieve the sustainable development set out by the United Nations […]

The ABCs of Sustainable Development Goals and Sudan’s situation XIV

The ABCs of Sustainable Development Goals and Sudan’s situation XIV

Goal 13: Climate Action By Dr. Hassan Humeida Kiel, Germany: KIEL, GERMANY: The importance of the 13th goal, “Climate Action” of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals related to the state of the planet and its future, comes at a time when global climate change is considered the greatest challenge of our time. Therefore, climate […]

The ABCs of Sustainable Development Goals and Sudan’s situation XIII

The ABCs of Sustainable Development Goals and Sudan’s situation XIII

Goal 12: Ensuring responsible consumption and production By Dr. Hassan Humeida Kiel, Germany: The twelfth goal of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals until 2030 seeks to create a balance between consumption and production on a global scale. This is happening in an era in which people’s need for essential products increases with the increase […]

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