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E-commerce signals new future for ties between China, Africa

E-commerce signals new future for ties between China, Africa

African companies are exploring new trade models with China based on e-commerce at the first China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo (CAETE), which opened on June 25 in Changsha, capital of Central China’s Hunan Province. Trade between China and African countries has been rising since 2008, and by 2018, China had been the biggest trading partner […]

E-commerce contributes to income growth of Chinese farmers

E-commerce contributes to income growth of Chinese farmers

E-commerce is helping Chinese farmers improve their income, and the Chinese online shopping site Taobao under e-commerce giant Alibaba has set a great example in this regard by helping farmers build unique brands of agricultural products. Shen Zhubing, a farmer who has 0.33 hectare of millet land in Huai’an county, north China’s Hebei Province, told […]

China to release cross-border e-commerce import expansion list

China to release cross-border e-commerce import expansion list

The Chinese government is drafting a detailed policy for cross-border e-commerce retail imports with an initial 63 tax items covering consumer technology, food and health care products. After the expansion, the cross-border retail import list will include over 1,300 tax items, which covers the Chinese consumer demand for more products, according to the State Council […]

E-commerce changes life in rural China

E-commerce changes life in rural China

E-commerce is helping revitalize China’s rural areas and improve people’s lives. It has also emerged as a new growth driver for consumer spending in the country. One example of this is in Guangshan County, in mountainous part of central China’s Henan province, and a famously impoverished site. In 2014, it began vigorously promoting e-commerce and […]

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