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Report on Peace and War : Role of journalists

Report on Peace and War : Role of journalists

By Ivan Lim, Former AJA President, Contributor to AsiaN Seoul: Without doubt, the Russia-Ukraine war and the Hamas-Israel hostilities were upper-most in our minds as we sat down for a pow-wow on War and Peace and the responsibilities of the media. But any concern that spirited discourse on the conflicts would turn partisan and lead […]

AJA calls for safety of journalists caught in crossfire

AJA calls for safety of journalists caught in crossfire

SEOUL: Asia Journalists Association (AJA) is deeply concerned about the severe toll on journalists and their deplorable status in the intensifying armed action between Hamas and Israel. The Committee to Protect Journalists reported that As of October 18, at least 17 journalists were among the fatalities on both sides since the war began on October 7. AJA […]

European Union: War in Ukraine is not West versus Rest of the World

European Union: War in Ukraine is not West versus Rest of the World

By Habib Toumi MANAMA: The War in Ukraine should not be framed as a European issue or as ‘West versus the rest of the world’, a European Union (EU) diplomat has stressed. “Supporting Ukraine and working for peace go hand in hand. In all this, the EU does not ask anyone to ‘pick a side’. […]

Hacking the way of peace through the G20

Hacking the way of peace through the G20

By Eddy Suprapto Chief Editor of Masagar News JAKARTA: The Russo-Ukrainian war has entered 74 days but there is no sign of settlement and peace. The passion of the leaders of the two countries is more prominent than the interests of the general public. Although war is never a permanent solution to any problem. Even wars […]

War, destruction, death, peace… and then?

War, destruction, death, peace… and then?

By Dr. Hassan Humeida Kiel, Germany: Worn out and worried, abandoned and fearful people. Serious faces of the soldiers who feed themselves from sources of their own euphoria until the next raid. Commanders who push the soldiers into the front line to burn and smolder – some stay and burn with them and others slink […]

Here and there, Hell on Earth and peace in space

By Dr. Hassan Humeida Kiel, Germany: We start from the Earth where there are continents, seas, countries. There are borders between countries and people. Everything is organized in such a way that these borders are maintained and that no one, country or person, crosses the defined borders. On Earth, there are holy cities and holy […]

AJA calls to ensure safety of journalists covering war in Ukraine

AJA calls to ensure safety of journalists covering war in Ukraine

SEOUL: Following reports that several journalists and media professionals have been killed as they were covering the war in Ukraine since February 24, the Asia Journalists Association is alarmed and saddened by such negative developments. 1. AJA calls on all parties involved to guarantee the safety of all journalists and media workers covering the events […]

War: Displacement, suffering and misery

War: Displacement, suffering and misery

By Dr. Hassan Humeida   Kiel, Germany: There is no good news here on Earth right now. Every day there is only frustrating and sad news instead. These are as a result of the raging war with all its atrocities: fear, anxiety, flight, misery, death and destruction. The supply for the affected people with food […]

The deep scars that war leaves forever

The deep scars that war leaves forever

A view of Flander’s Field in Belgium. What was once a forest has been pulverized by countless artillery strikes from heavy guns (Historyplace) By Dr. Hassan Humeida Kiel, Germany: In wars, there are only losers and no winners. This applies to the so-called vanquished as well as to victors who celebrate a victory and celebrate […]

The Ugly Face of War – Nothing New

The Ugly Face of War – Nothing New

Face of War, 1941, by Salvador Dali By Dr. Hassan Humeida KIEL, GERMANY: Instead of waking up in peace, we wake up in horror. Instead of waking up to a laughing sun, we wake up to deafening cacophonies. Instead of waking up to birds singing, we wake up to loud explosions. We wake up when […]

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