[Indonesia Report] Former Indonesian minister suspected of corruption

Andi Mallarangeng, Former Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sports, is suspected of being involved in corruption case and has been banned from traveling out of the country (Photo: www.merdeka.com)

Andi Alfian Mallarangeng, former Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sports, has not received any notification letter from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to inform that he has been named as a suspect and has been banned from traveling abroad.

According to Kompas.com, Indonesia Commission of Corruption Eradication announced a travel ban to Mallarangeng on Thursday (December 6).

Mallarangeng has been named as a suspect in the alleged corruption case of Hambalang project on Friday (December 7).

Andi Mallarangeng’s relatives, Andi Mattalata, said Mallarangeng knew that he has been banned and named as a suspect in Hambalang case through the media, after meeting Mallarangeng on Saturday (December 8).

According to kompas.com’s report, Mattalata told jouralist,”He said he (Mallarangeng) had not received a letter of determination as a suspect and travel ban.”

After learning he was named as a suspect and banned from leaving the country, Mallarangeng immediately went to meet Indonesian President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, and resigned from the post of the Minister of Youth and Sports.

“I respect him because this is the first time an active minister resigned, he did not want to be a burden on the government,” Mattalata said as Kompas.com reported.

Meidyana Rayana Intern Reporter news@theasian.asia

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