[Indonesia Report] Indonesian documentary film used in Australian high schools as education material

Linimasa Documentary Film in Youtube (Photo: www.beritasatu.com)

A documentary film  titled “Linimassa”, describing a phenomenon of  using social media and social networking in Indonesia has been presented as part of school curriculum in Western Australia, Beritasatu.com reported.

Linimassa tell a story of a rickshaw driver in Yogyakarta who is internet literate. (See the Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43xXDNQV_QY)

In one of the movie’s scene shows the rickshaw driver actively using email, Facebook, and twitter every day.

As a single parent since his wife died in the earthquake that hit Yogyakarta in 2006, Blassius Haryadi drives rickshaw while learning about internet.

Haryadi uses Facebook and Twitter to promote his services to other countries so that many foreign tourists can contact him through social networking and use him as a tour guide.

According to Beritasatu.com, the documentary was produced by ICT Watch and WatchdoC to inspire people on how someone with all his limitations can take advantage of social networking, not only to update status but to raise revenues.

The Curriculum and Standards Authority of Western Australia School (scsa.wa.edu.au) sent official letter to ICT Watch asking permission to use the film Linimassa as an update for supporting material in the subjects of “Indonesian: Second Languange” in Senior Secondary level (high school).

In these subjects, in addition to the dynamics of the Indonesian language, the students also learn about the dynamics of the culture of Indonesia.

As noted in the syllabus, subjects has been used since 2009, and the aim is to build the skills of high school students in Australia in communicating and understanding the diverse contexts of Indonesia, which is important for the students to enhance work opportunities in the future or when they continue their education to college.

Meidyana Rayana Intern Reporter news@theasian.asia

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